Europe set off e-commerce business tide! The birth of thousands of eM engineers in thousands of e-commerce companies are born!

According to the latest data, as of December 2021, the start-up industry in the e-commerce retail field is very active in Europe: 2021, the UK has established 435 new companies in the e-commerce retail field, which is twior in Germany, and e-commerce Retail in Germany is the second most popular start-up area: the second quarter of 2021, a total of 140 new enterprises registered in Germany. In 2021, 143 and 117 new e-commerce retailers were set up in France and Spain; Italy and the Netherlands have set up 88 new e-commerce retail companies, respectively, and countries have achieved significant development. In addition, Eastern European economies have also achieved a gratifying achievements in the e-commerce retail field: 55 e-commerce retail initial enterprises in Poland completed registration in 2021.

Post time: Feb-07-2022